A Little Behind the Scenes

We just enthusiastically posted this image from our shoot with Mountain Head Winery on the Sonoma Bottle instagram feed earlier today and immediately after realized that it would be prudent to share a little behind the scenes of how these styled group bottle shots come together.  There's definitely a plan in the works to share a full behind the scenes video on the studio setup and the process behind bottle photography.  In the meantime though, here's a quick screen video of the photoshop layering and retouching process for an image of this...magnitude.


A view of the five images in CaptureOne required to composite together the final shot.  Note the different lighting scenarios, the "guest bottle" providing edge reflected highlights and the cute corkscrew I found in Graton the other day :)

A view of the five images in CaptureOne required to composite together the final shot.  Note the different lighting scenarios, the "guest bottle" providing edge reflected highlights and the cute corkscrew I found in Graton the other day :)